Hello Sniffer Folks,

  This is a _special_ reminder that we are in the process of migrating
  our servers and applications to a new facility.

  Over the past few weeks we have been testing and tweaking software,
  the new hardware, networks, firewalls, configurations, procedures...
  and occasionally we've been letting you know that we're getting
  ready to do this so that you won't be surprised by any unavoidable

  What is _special_ about this reminder is that we are very close to
  the switch-over. If all goes as planned, the switch-over may occur
  any time in the next 48 hours. There is no specific moment in time
  that the switch-over will occur. It is a large process requiring the
  coordination of several hundred steps.

  During this period you may see the following problems or issues:

  * You may not receive one or more update notifications.

  * You may not be able to download your rulebase file(s).

  * You may not be able to upload your log file(s).

  * You may not be able to access special applications.

  All of these are likely to occur at one point or another - at least
  for short periods - while DNS records are changed, data is
  transferred to new servers, etc.

  It is our plan that most of these events will be so short-lived as
  to pose no problem to you and perhaps even to go un-noticed.

  **** IMPORTANT ****

  Your Message Sniffer software will continue to work normally! We
  have designed Message Sniffer to be resilient in the face of any
  kind of temporary interruption. At most you might see a slight
  increase in spam leakage if/when rulebase updates are delayed.

  Thanks to all of you for your support and patience.

  See you on the other side ;-)


Pete McNeil (Madscientist)
President, MicroNeil Research Corporation
Chief SortMonster (www.sortmonster.com)

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