Does anyone know the defaults for the declude.cfg settings below?

I am still trying to tune my server.  I have the max threads setting at 10
right now.  It seems way to low for a dual processor 3.4Ghz Xeon machine.
Yet any higher and more spam gets through that should have been caught.
Possibly there are timeouts occurring.  I also have sniffer but cannot keep
it in persistent mode as mail gets backlogged. 

I am aware that there was some kind of issue with dual cpu's but am not sure
exactly what it was or whether it has been solved yet or not.

I am wondering whether experimenting with the decude.cfg settings will help
me tune the machine.

One more issue I have seen too is that there are a few "Q" files left
stranded in the proc directory every day.  What's that about?

Hoping to get everything settled down so I can focus on other parts of my
business and go back to maintenance mode with my mail server.

Thanks for your feedback   


Harry Vanderzand 
inTown Internet & Computer Services 
11 Belmont Ave. W., Kitchener, ON,N2M 1L2


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