Hello Sniffer Folks,

  Before things get too out of hand I thought I'd post a few remarks
  just to make sure there are no misunderstandings.

  First of all, the price on the ComputerHouse site was an error and
  it has already been corrected. (That's the mice and men part... a
  simple mistake, now all taken care of.)

  Next, while it would bad form for one of our resellers to advertise
  directly on our list, THAT DID NOT HAPPEN here. Someone else pointed
  out the discount, and that's ok.

  Regarding our reseller programs in general and where we stand on
  this. As Mike is fond of saying, "We like customers...". All
  customers :-) It's perfectly ok to us for you to buy from one of our
  resellers or from us directly.

  Pick the relationship that fits you best. -- Technically, our
  resellers are really considered VARs, and they all have special
  things to offer that you may need. Purchasing from us directly also
  has some benefits (the additional funds help speed up R&D), but
  ultimately, if you use and support SNF, through us or through one of
  our partners, you are still supporting SNF and that's a good thing!

  Our goal is to foster a broad, vibrant community of consultants, end
  users, VARs, OEMs, service providers, and even plain old interested
  parties that use and support SNF. After all, email security is a big
  concern for everyone and the best thing we can do is work together.

  Hope this helps,


Pete McNeil (Madscientist)
President, MicroNeil Research Corporation
Chief SortMonster (www.sortmonster.com)
Chief Scientist (www.armresearch.com)

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