On Wednesday, February 8, 2006, 10:48:10 AM, Markus wrote:

MG> Harry,
MG> (please don't post your entire license code to a public  list.)

Yes, Harry, please don't. I'll be resetting your Authorization code
and sending it to you off list.

Other than changing your authentication code you should not need to
change anything else in your configuration, that is, unless you are
having some other problem than we have assumed.

MG> regarding the reliability of sniffer we should know that  errors
MG> sometimes can happen, even at sniffer-side after they've worked
MG> for years  now very relaible. I don't expect that such errors will happen 
now more  often.

Thanks for that. It is true that we've had a few bad days here lately,
but these things are unlikely to recur. For example, the robot problem
is a one-off event. It is inexplicable how software that ran reliably
for years suddenly "loses it's mind" like that... the event was

Bad rules will happen from time to time, but less and less frequently.
To begin with, our staff has only recently been expanded, so as time
goes on they will become much more adept, less likely to create
errors, and more likely to catch them if they happen.

Also, with each new event we learn new things about the process and
where it can fail, and then we implement changes to prevent those

There will always be a non-zero probability of error... the blackhats
are continually changing their tactics, evolving new techniques, and
even mounting new kinds of attacks. In order for us to respond to that
environment we must also continue to evolve with increasing speed -
that means entering unknown territory on a continual basis, and, with
as little damage as possible, it means we must make some mistakes from
time to time.

MG> What you can do is trying to configure your declude  spamfilter
MG> in order to hold only if multiple or at least more then one test 
MG> failed. For doing this the first step is to set the maximum weight
MG> of each test  (at least slightly) below your hold weight.

This is always a good idea. No matter how good any single component
may be, you should a avoid relying on that single component in order
to mitigate risk and reduce errors - nothing is perfect even if it can
seem that way for a time.


MG> Thanks to Andrew and Goran for their info's and scripts.  Saved a lot of 
time here.

I second that!

MG> Pete: Any info if and if yes when you can adapt MDLP for  the
MG> declude v3 logfile? I realy miss this data. Once accustomized 
MG> to the hourly results of MDLP e sometimes feel now like a blind  chicken :-)

I'm hopeful I can spend some time on that soon. I also miss the data.



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