On Wednesday, February 8, 2006, 11:26:46 AM, Darin wrote:

DC> There was no error in my comment.  I completely understand that some issues
DC> will not be foreseeable... I did say "mostly", not entirely.  The switch to
DC> the automated bots caused a rash of false positives in our system.


Actually, there is the error I was talking about -- (I'm not pointing
fingers either, just trying to set the record straight.)

The automated bots had been online and part of the system for several
years when the error occurred. There was no cut-over to announce.

DC> What I would be looking for is an announcement of a specific date/time for a
DC> cutover so we could freeze just before that, and unfreeze once it was clear
DC> that no glut of false positives would result.

I completely agree, and that is our policy. Before we turn on anything
important, we will announce it, as we have in the past. Even if for no
other reason than we want you to know we've done something cool... but
certainly so that we can have everyone aware and watching out for any
un-expected results (good or bad).


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