On Tuesday, February 21, 2006, 10:16:11 AM, Andy wrote:

AS> Sorry - didn't mean to be "pushy". I just thought that false positives are
AS> worse than missed spam, so I had assumed that they would always be at the
AS> top of the queue.

It is a very tough balancing act. Don't feel bad at all - you're not
being pushy. The current goal is to respond in less than 24 hours and
if possible to review twice per day. Yesterday a number of urgent
tasks toppled that schedule. The first review happened (at around
0600) but there were no FPs at that time. I'm working to increase the
review cycle... there are just a lot of things going on right now.

Just so everyone knows, we do hear - loud and clear - that responding
to FPs is important, and we have been much better about it over the
recent past. I expect that service aspect to improve moving forward
along with other things.

AS> I can wait (PS - would have calmed my nerves, if there had been some
AS> automatic "ticket number" response that reassured me that my email was
AS> received. The web site makes it sound as if there's a million reasons why a
AS> false positive might not be accepted - so an automatic confirmation might be
AS> a good "self-service" tool.

That's a good point. I'll look at that possibility when I rewrite the
false processing bot. We're getting a lot of spam lately at our false@
address and I would want to make sure that there was no outscatter.

I can tell the bot to only respond to validated senders, but then
there is the issue of email reliability in the response... what if you
don't get the response I mean. ... There are still folks that
occasionally (some frequently) send false reports from unauthorized
addresses --- those would not get a response... I'm overthinking this
now %^b

When I get to the false processing bot I will add a response



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