Hello Sniffer Folks,

  Today we are making a major transition. The old Message Sniffer web
  site will be torn down and replaced with a new WIKI:


  The top Message Sniffer page will retain it's index for a while but
  instead of sending you to the original pages the links will take you
  to appropriate pages in the new WIKI.

  Also - if you try to go directly to an old page you will be
  redirected automatically to the appropriate new page.

  The WIKI requires that you create an account and log-in before
  making any changes. We know there are blackhats out there so we will
  be watching very closely... If we find there is abuse, we will
  disable the ability to create accounts and you will need to contact
  us at support@ if you want the ability to post -- let's hope it
  doesn't come to that.

  We will continue to update, improve, and correct the wiki - it will,
  in fact, be under constant development.

  Have fun!


Pete McNeil (Madscientist)
President, MicroNeil Research Corporation
Chief SortMonster (www.sortmonster.com)
Chief Scientist (www.armresearch.com)

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