Hello John,

Wednesday, October 17, 2007, 1:41:18 AM, you wrote:

>> Our SYNC server software rejects connections by default. If an SNF
>> node follows the expected connection protocols and authenticates
>> properly and consistently then it will be allowed to communicate with
>> the system. If it fails to do any of these things or looks suspicious
>> in any way then it will be automatically black listed for increasingly
>> extended periods and potentially null routed by our fire-walls. The
>> security mechanisms are fully automatic and constantly monitored.

> If something goes wrong on my server, either by a mistake I make in a
> configuration file or a bug or whatever, and my server in connecting to the
> SYNC server should be rejected and subsequently black listed, is there a
> notification that takes place that some one will review to see if that
> sniffer license is otherwise valid and otherwise no known problems are seen
> so that I will then be notified saying "hey there is a problem contact us"
> so that the problem can be resolved?


The system is completely automated and reliable. There is nothing to
be concerned about. Quite simply, nothing can go wrong, go wrong, go
wrong... go..

Seriously though--

In order to be black-listed by our system you would have to be abusing
the SNF software or using some alternative software to attempt to gain
access or deny access to the SYNC servers. Otherwise the most you
could do would be to loose contact for some time.

That said, if any system does something to become black-listed then
you can be sure it will have our attention.

It is basically impossible for you to cause a properly functioning SNF
node to become black-listed by altering the configuration file. It is
far more likely that your SNF node would simply fail to connect.

Chances are that if you were making an adjustment that could cause
this you would also be watching to make sure that things were working
correctly when you finished.

In case you did cause the system to lose it's connection with us, the
system is designed so that SNF nodes will remain reliable and
effective for extended periods even if they are unable to contact the
SYNC server. It is also designed to recover gracefully when the
problem is corrected.

The GBUdb system is highly effective even when it does not share it's
information with the other SNF nodes. Each GBUdb node learns first
about it's local traffic. As long as your SNF rulebase file is up to
date - or even close to being up to date, your system is likely to be
very effective at filtering spam.

If your SNF/GBUdb node becomes detached from the main system for an
extended period, it will degrade in it's performance. Once the problem
is corrected it should recover in a very short time.

In the event we detect any IPs being black listed or acting
suspiciously we will be watching closely so that we can analyze any
potential threats and take appropriate actions. If we can identify a
customer involved in such a case we will contact them to investigate
and correct the problem.

Locally, your status reports indicate when the last sync event
occurred. This is one of the ways you can check the status of your
system. Consider this example from recent telemetry:

<run started="20070928174736" elapsed="1620714"/>
<sync latest="20071017115919" elapsed="11"/>
<save latest="20071017111334" elapsed="2756"/>
<condense latest="20071017081746" elapsed="13304"/>

You can see when the last sync event occurred (about 11 seconds ago in
this case):

<sync latest="20071017115919" elapsed="11"/>

We plan to encourage the development of third party tools for
monitoring and analyzing SNF system data. In addition we plan to build
monitoring and analysis services of our own to include features that
will notify system administrators when something doesn't look quite

If you (anyone) develop something nice for displaying and/or
monitoring SNF status data then please share it with the SNF

In the mean time - we have done extensive testing and monitoring
throughout the development process. High availability is (has always
been) a design requirement and we're confident SNF can deliver that.

Hope this helps,


Pete McNeil
Chief Scientist,
Arm Research Labs, LLC.

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