Hello Pi-Web,

Friday, November 2, 2007, 2:01:30 PM, you wrote:


> 31st oct. spam level raised, SNF was not validating the mails, the 
> "snfclient.exe.err"
> shows lines like:
> C:\Program Files\Merak\temp\2007110215013101AF.tmp: Could Not Connect!

Could not connect indicates (most likely) that the SNFServer was down.
Any time the client produces a .err it is unusual. Normal errors are
reported to the SNFengine's log file(s).

> We restrated the SNFserver (running as a service) and scans run smoothly 
> until today (2nd nov.),
> where same issue happen: "Could Not Connect!". No errors in between.

Something is knocking the server offline.

> The log also show: (first line).
> C:\Program Files\Merak\temp\200711021416181623.tmp: XCI Error!: 
> snf_EngineHandler::MaxEvals

> Think this "MaxEvals" is what cause the error.
> Is it due to the engine getting to many mails to evaluate?

No. MaxEvals is a condition that is theoretically possible but
extremely rare. As a message is scanned, little "creatures" called
evaluators are created and re-used during the scan to identify any
patterns that might exist in the message. The scan depth metric
indicates the peak number of evaluators that were alive during the
scan. Normally this number is between 60 and 150 though it changes all
the time.

In order to detect possible rulebase corruption there is a hard-coded
limit to the number of evaluators that are allowed to live for a
particular scan. It is possible that this number needs to be adjusted.
That hasn't happened in a while - but since you're not getting any
other errors (that we know of) that's the most likely scenario.

The number of evaluators that are alive at one time for a particular
scan depends on the active rules in the rulebase and the data in the
message. The number is almost impossible to predict though it does
(and should) normally stay in a fairly restricted range.

> How do we avoid this?

First, let's verify that there were no other errors. Please look in
your snf log files and check for any <e/> elements. These will
describe any other errors that occurred.

If we find no other errors then I will make an adjustment to the
maximum evals metric and we will go from there.

While you are in your logs -- look a the <p/> (performance) elements
and get an idea what the scan depth is typically. That will help us
compare your system to others and to determine what the new limit
should be.

Originally the scan depth limit was designed to help detect possible
corruption or unexpected conditions in the scanning engine. It's been
there since the first version. It's a kind of sanity check -- Most
likely it just needs to be adjusted since spam has changed so much
over the years. In the early days scan depths were consistently well
below 100 -- even in the 40-60 range. These days there are more
abstracts in the rulebase so more creatures are required to get a
comprehensive idea of what is in each message.

Another thing I will look at is that this exception should be handled
gracefully. I will look into this -- it may be that we want the
SNFServer to fail under these conditions because it is a clue to
something being out of adjustment -- In this case, probably just the
limit setting.

In the mean time, if you automatically restart your SNFServer after a
failure it should be safe and will pick up any waiting clients before
they fail in most cases.

> We also see this error, but this might be while restarting the service:
> C:\Program Files\Merak\temp\2007103119380319A0.tmp: XCI Error!: 
> snf_EngineHandler::FileError

Most likely this is a request coming from an snfclient after the
message file has already been handled and moved out of the temp

The FileError exception indicates that the SNFServer could not open
and/or read the file. Normally this wouldn't appear in a .err file -
it would appear in the normal logs. If this error was in a snfclient
.err file then I may need to look at the client code again.

Hope this helps,



Pete McNeil
Chief Scientist,
Arm Research Labs, LLC.

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