All auto-responders should be burnt in hell!!!!

Have a nice day :)


Pete McNeil wrote:
Regarding this thread and to nobody in particular:

I would like to say a word or two before this gets out of hand.

Our policy on this list is to provide the answers needed no matter how
obvious or well posted those answers may be.

Emotionally negative responses are discouraged and generally not

RTFM type answers should be emotionally neutral, should summarize a
quick answer, and should provide a link to TFM.

For whatever reason, these kinds of requests are made and these kinds
of questions are asked. The folks who make these requests or ask these
questions - no matter how obvious - need help. The best thing we can
do is provide that help.

Keep in mind also that these messages are archived so that they remain
searchable on the 'web. This means that any solutions we post here,
including references to obvious or well posted answers, serve to make
those answers easier to find.

Please: Be kind and helpful, or stay away from the send button. I
can't remember the number of times something simple and obvious
baffled me when I needed it least -- and I'm sure many of us have had
similar moments.*

A simple answer to an obvious question can go a long way in a positive

Please help us keep this forum active, positive, and informative.



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