Hi, It seems the documentation on how to handle a rule panick in the Wiki is not complete, to put it mildly. :-( In my opinion It gives just enough information to frustrate the user into finding PROBABLY the right place to enter the information but then leaves him/her haning.
I had several mails caught these past few days (I am not a full time postmaster) and reported the FP mails to sniffer. But I want to disable a rule until I hear back from them. So I went to the wiki and... Sniffer site, rule panick http://kb.armresearch.com/index.php?title=Message_Sniffer.FAQ.FalsePositives#RulePanic [....] 2. Create a rule-panic entry in your .cfg file - this will temporarily deactivate the rule. But how??? In my Sniffer directory there is no .CFG file. Clicking on the .cfg file link also is misleading it seems. I have no <LicenseId>.cfg file. I do have an identity.xml file with my license in it. Should I edit my snf_engine.xml file? Probably. What should I edit/enter? At this point there is no documentation I was able to find which would help me solve this problem. Grepping some more (grep panic *.xml) I finally found I indeed had to enter a line in the snf_server.xml file, and Oh yeah, don't add a line to the sample lines as they are in a comment box. ;-) All in all I did find it I think but..... mostly without using the documentation. It seems the Wiki is out of date, it probably describes a older Sniffer version. I should either describe the "current" version of report the differences for each version. Met vriendelijke groet, Bonno Bloksma senior systeembeheerder tio hogeschool hospitality en toerisme begijnenhof 8-12 / 5611 el eindhoven t 040 296 28 28 / f 040 237 35 20 b.blok...@tio.nl / www.tio.nl