Hi Frank,

We have recently upgraded our snmp4j libraries from the 1.x branch to the 2.x 
newest versions in order to take advantage of the newest versions and have run 
into the following problem.
As part of our usage of snmp4j, we simulate different vendors snmp interfaces 
in order to have a fully automated test suite of our product.
For one such vendor, one of the scenarios we have to simulate the dynamic row 
creation where in a single snmp packet, we set the rowStatus first to 
createAndWait and in the same exact packet to active
Assuming the RowStatus OID is SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.30442. and I 
want to add a new row with ifIndex = 8, I have to be able to do

snmpset -v2c -c public localhostot 
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.30442. i 4 ... ( set a bunch of other 
oIDs on that table to their initial value)... 
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.30442. i 1

When using snmp4j-1.x, this was working fine.  I have been able to narrow it 
down to here
In the agent 1.4.3, in DefaultMOTable, we have

          if (row == null) {
            // look for already prepared row
            row = (MOTableRow)
          if (row != null) {
            prepare(request, cell, mcol, row, false);

So when the second RowStatus arrives, the row is found in getNEwRows, and we 
call prepare with newRow = false.
This means that when the MoChangeEvent is created, the old value is passed as 
creation is = false

      MOChangeEvent changeEvent =
          new MOChangeEvent(this, new CellProxy(cell),
                            (creation) ? null : row.getValue(cell.getColumn()),

and when the event is processed in the RowStatus class, in 
beforePrepareMOChange I get a valid currentValue != notExistant so setting it 
to active works fine

Now, if I move to agent-2.5.3, the first change in DefaultMoTable becomeso
          R row = model.getRow(cell.getIndex());
          boolean newRow = false;
          if (row == null) {
            // look for already prepared row
            row = getNewRows(request.getRequest()).get(cell.getIndex());
            newRow = true;
          if (row != null) {
            prepare(request, cell, mcol, row, newRow);

So now, as the getNewRows is returning the row, the MOChangeVent is created 
with a previous value of null which defaults to notExistant in RowStatus.
Here, changeEvent.getOldValue() is null, so currentValue = notExistant and 
newValue = active.
  public void beforePrepareMOChange(MOChangeEvent changeEvent) {
    if (changeEvent.getOID().startsWith(oid)) {
      int currentValue = notExistant;
      if (changeEvent.getOldValue() instanceof Integer32) {
        currentValue = ((Integer32) changeEvent.getOldValue()).getValue();
      int newValue = ((Integer32) changeEvent.getNewValue()).getValue();
      boolean ok = false;
      switch (currentValue) {
case notExistant:
          ok = ((newValue == createAndGo) ||
                (newValue == createAndWait) || (newValue == destroy));

So with those values, I get within this method ok = false and the set request 

Any help/guidance you can give on this topic would be greatly appreciated as 
this is blocking our move to production with snmp4j-2.5 at this point.
I can get our software run ok if I replace line 623 in DefaultMOTAble from
            prepare(request, cell, mcol, row, newRow);
            prepare(request, cell, mcol, row, false);

however, I am not sure whether this is correct or why the newRow variable is 
now passed instead of false as in 1.x
Please let me know if you would need any additional information.

Best regards,

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