Thanks Fabrice. Still I am not convinced why the DefaultTcpTransportMapping 
class should not complete the connection and send before the next line of code 
I.e. SNMP.close is called.

I believe the ServerThread is being started using run method and not start 
method of Runnable. Shouldn't this just run as a normal method without spawning 
any Thread and thus wait for completing what it is supposed to do before 
terminating the connection.


> On 25 May 2017, at 20:25, Fabrice Bacchella <> 
> wrote:
>> Le 24 mai 2017 à 09:50, Neeraj Vaidya <> a écrit :
>> Hi Frank,
>> Thanks for your reply I will try with UDP and let you know.
>> We have a use case to just use TCP owing to the large size of the payload 
>> I.e. because of MTU limitation of UDP.
> UDP packet can be bigger than MTU. They just will be fragmented.

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