Hi Frank.
Thanks for the reply.
One further request for clarification inlined ...


On Mon, Jan 7, 2019, 5:24 PM Frank Fock <f...@agentpp.com wrote:

> Hello Girish,
> You can use approach (1) with autoDiscoveryEnabled.
You mean enabled on the trap sender or receiver or both? I assume you mean
trap sender - yes?

if it is not enabled, you will have to use approach (2).
> Having a different user ID (you mean securityName) for each trap sender
> won’t help,
> because the SNMPv3 USM lookup uses the engineID anyway.
> Best regards,
> Frank
> > On 7. Jan 2019, at 01:11, Girish Venkatasubramanian <giris...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >
> > Hello
> > I am seeking some clarification about receiving SNMPv3 traps using
> >
> > In my setup, I have a few network devices configured for SNMPv3. They all
> > use the *same* userName and auth and priv keys. They are configured to
> use
> > authentication and privacy when sending traps.
> >
> > In my trap receiver, which I plan to write using SNMP4J, the userName and
> > credentials are known.
> >
> > 1) In order to receive the traps from these devices, is it sufficient to
> > add an entry in the USM cache of my TrapReceiver as below  ?
> >
> > *snmp*.getUSM().addUser( *new *OctetString(username),
> >
> >                       *new *UsmUser(*new *OctetString(username), AuthMD5.
> > *ID*, *new *OctetString(authpassphrase), PrivAES128.*ID*, *new *
> > OctetString(privacypassphrase)));
> >
> >
> > From this email thread,
> > http://oosnmp.net/pipermail/snmp4j/2013-April/005042.html I quote
> > "
> >
> > If you set the autoDiscovery property of the USM to true, then it is
> > even easier.
> > You do not have to add localized USM users (thus you do not have to know
> the
> > engineIDs of the notification senders), you simply add the users without
> > engineID.
> >
> > "
> > To clarify, do I need to set the autoDiscovery property on the USM of the
> > trap receiver ?
> >
> > 2) If I have to add a localized user for each of these trap senders, then
> > should Snmp.discoverAuthoritativeEngineID(..) be used and then a
> > per-trap-sender target be added using this engine ID ? That is, the key
> > localization approach as shown
> > https://doc.snmp.app/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=1441800
> >
> > Ideally, I would like to avoid having to discover the authoritative
> engine
> > ID as that will restrict the ability of my trap receiver to receive traps
> > only from known targets . Would having a different userName (but same
> > authentication and privacy keys) for each of the trap sender help ?
> >
> > Any clarifications on these would be greatly appreciated.
> > Thanks
> > Girish
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