Hello Girish,

Thank you for being interested in the Diffie Hellman key exchange capabilities 
of SNMP4J (it was hard to implement it, so I am glad to here that someone wants 
to use it).
I have put together same sample code at:

Please let me know if you have additional questions. 
The sample code could be probably simplified for your use case. If you provide 
us a description of your use case, I could help to get a matching 

Best regards,

> On 14. Feb 2019, at 18:29, Girish Venkatasubramanian <giris...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> Hello
> I see that, as of version 3.0.2, "Diffie Hellman key exchange support with
> the new commands usmDHKey, usmDHKickstartInit, and usmDHKickstartRun" has
> been aded to the command line tool.
> Are there any usage examples available for performing these from a Java
> program using the SNMP4J Java library ?
> Thanks
> Girish
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