I'm trying to get a simple example using EJB Deployment Descriptor
The platform is the jboss2.2.1 / tomcat3.2.1 combo that can be found at
www.jboss.org,  and the SOAP 2.2 war file.

I'm finding that I keep coming up against

I've bundled together an ear file that contains a jar with my ejb's and
the soap war file.  The JBoss doc's give me the impression that this
that both will be loaded using the same classloader (no?).  My soap
gets Tomcat and SOAP to reply, but then CNFE's while trying to load
the home interface of my EJB.   Here's the descriptor I give to SOAP;

<isd:service xmlns:isd="http://xml.apache.org/xml-soap/deployment";
id="urn:UniqueID" checkMustUnderstands="false">
  <isd:provider type="org.apache.soap.providers.StatelessEJBProvider"
scope="Application" methods="newID">
    <!-- isd:java class="myorg.uniqueid.UniqueID" / -->
    <!-- isd:option key="JNDIName" value="java:comp/env/ejb/UniqueID" /
    <isd:option key="JNDIName" value="UniqueID" />
    <isd:option key="FullHomeInterfaceName"
value="myorg.uniqueid.UniqueIDHome" />
    <isd:option key="ContextProviderURL" value="localhost:1099" />
    <isd:option key="FullContextFactoryName"
value="org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFactory" />

So, what newbie mistake am I perpetrating?  Anybody have a clue for me?
I did try modifying
the MANIFEST.MF file in the soap.war to include the ejb jar file, but
this doesn't seem to have
gotten me anywhere...


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