If you wait for VS.NET Beta 2, you can use WSDL instead of SDL. The WSDL file can be 
generated from your class by the IBM WSTK easily.

By the way, why don't we have an Apache SOAP WSDL and proxy class generator?

- Mark

On Wed, 13 June 2001, "Joseph George" wrote:

> Hi,
> I checked the archives of this list but most of the messages concerning .NET
> dealt with an apache soap client and a .NET webservice. I want to know how
> to make it work the otherway round.
> Suppose i have the following webservice in java:
> ----------------------------------------------
> public class exampleTry {
>     public int multiplyBy2(int i){
>         return i*2;
>     }
> }
> ----------------------------------------------
> and i deploy the above using the Apache SOAP admin:
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> Deployed Service Information
> 'urn:try:exampleTry' Service Deployment Descriptor
> ID -- urn:try:exampleTry
> Scope -- Request
> Provider Type -- java
> Provider Class -- exampleTry
> Use Static Class -- false
> Methods -- multiplyBy2
> Type Mappings --
> Default Mapping Registry Class --
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> The deployed web service is consumed perfectly by this java client:
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> public class Client{
>     public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{
>         URL url=new URL("http://localhost:8080/soap/servlet/rpcrouter";);
>         String urn="urn:try:exampleTry";
>         Call call=new Call();
>         call.setTargetObjectURI(urn);
>         call.setMethodName("multiplyBy2");
>         call.setEncodingStyleURI(Constants.NS_URI_SOAP_ENC);
>         Vector param=new Vector();
>         param.addElement(new Parameter("i",Integer.class,new
> Integer(5),null));
>         call.setParams(param);
>         try{
>             Response response=call.invoke(url,"");
>             if(!response.generatedFault()){
>                 Parameter result=response.getReturnValue();
>                 System.out.println("Result="+result.getValue());
>             }
>             else{
>                 Fault f=response.getFault();
>                 System.err.println("Client.java: Fault Occured!\n");
>             }
>         }
>         catch(SOAPException e){
>             System.err.println("Client.java: SOAPException caught!");
>         }
>     }
> }
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> But now, suppose i want to use a .NET client(beta1, C#) ...how do i go about
> it? I guess i'll have to make an SDL doc describing my webservice. Could
> someone post the SDL file describing the webservice above...and then what?
> Add a webreference by locating this SDL file in .NET?
> Could someone who got this to work please post the step-by-step
> instructions.
> Thanks.
> -Joseph.
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