        I have a web server running a web application (Java), currently it
interacts with JSPs using Beans. I'm looking at SOAP so that I can create a
stand alone MS application which interacts with my web app (Essentially it
will be replacing Beans in a ASP.NET or MS client). I will be passing back
fairly complex data objects. They will contain references to many other
complex user defined type, in addition to Vectors, Hashtables, etc... My
Question: "Is SOAP the right way to go?!?!"
        I can't see any problem going from Java server to Java client. But I
assume that I will have to write a de/serializer on the client side (I'd be
using COM), this seems quite labour intensive for the number of different
object that I have. 

Is COM<->Java interoperability far enough along to make this project
feasible yet?

Thanks for your input.

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