> Hi,
> I use the XMLParameterSerializer to encode DOM into XML in a Soap
> client (as a Parameter)
> The Elements of my DOM belong to a specific namespace, but WITHOUT any
> Prefix (according to namespace specifications).
> Into the SOAP message, I'm surprised to notice that my DOM is
> serialized without the namespace URI reference.
> The serialisation is correct when Elements have a prefix.
> In other words:
> If my DOM contains an Element such as: <Element xmlns="xxxx" /> 
> It is serialized into : <Element /> (where is the namespaceURI?)
> but, if my DOM contains an Element such as : <pr:Element
> xmlns:pr="xxxx" />
> It is correctly serialized into : <pr:Element xmlns:pr="xxxx" />
> I've found that the DOM 2 XML serialization is done by the class
> DOM2Writer.
> In the class, I found : 
> private static void print(Node node, ObjectRegistry namespaceStack,
> PrintWriter out)
> ...
>       case Node.ELEMENT_NODE :
>       {
> ...
>         if (elPrefix != null && elNamespaceURI != null){    <-- prefix
> could be null and NamespaceURI not.(!!)
>       //print the namespace
> The IF test seems to be incorrect....
> Does anybody have the same problem.   
> Thank's
> Damien

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