Use the Trace Utility to check the soap request that are sent.  This should
help you see what's the :name thing.


"Arnold Poon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 10/08/2001 08:58:06 PM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:    (bcc: Steeve Gilbert/G_STGEORGES/CANAM_MANAC)

Subject:  newbie question: vb(mssoap) w/ apache-soap 2.2


    I am trying to get a visual  basic sample (using latest MSSOAP) to work
w/ the AddressBook2 sample that come  w/ apache-soap 2.2. I got the
AddressBook2 sample working but I would like  to try to get MSSOAP to work
also. My little VB script is giving me  this:

"No Deserializer found to deserialized a ':name'  using encoding style
Source: SOAP-ENV:Client

    So besides getting a WSDL and  installing the MSSOAP toolkit, what else
do I need to do to  get MSSOAP talks to Apache-SOAP?

VB src:

 Set SC =  CreateObject("MSSOAP.SoapClient")
 Call  SC.mssoapinit("AddressBook.wsdl","", "")

 wscript.echo SC.getAddressFromName("John B.  Good")

    I have attached the wsdl file I  am using (basically modifying from the
one in the sample  directory).

   Any help would be greatly  appreciated


(See attached file: AddressBook.wsdl)


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