Are you folks using and referring to SOAP v2.1? If I am not wrong,
Apache/SOAP v2.2 is no longer using the xerces, it is rather using
the JAXP whch has two RIs, crimson and xalan.

In v2.2 scenario, the size of crimson is only 183KB and 28KB for
jaxp. Adding both of them just end up with 211KB  only. So it ends
up with 211KB without even trimming the package.

If above case applies to both of you, 211KB is a good deal compare
to 556KB. Isn't it?

Am I missing something here?


>Hi Phillip,
>Can you please pass me a version of 556kb xerces.jar library? The 1/3 sized
>will help my deployment via Java WebStart..The user needs only to wait for
>the first time.
>The following activation will not require any more download unless there
>are changes.
>Boon Pang
>At 04:54 PM 10/18/2001 +0100, you wrote:
>>Is there any lighter version of Apache SOAP which doesn't need such a
>>large xerces.jar file?? The file is originally 1,556kb and I managed to
>>get that down to 556kb with some trimming but that is very large for an
>>applet to download along with the SOAP jar file and the applet code
>>Has anyone found a way to slim down the size of the client?
>>Phillip Urrea

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