
I´ve read the DOCs of the Apache SOAP API and I found
the following lines

>java org.apache.soap.server.ServiceManagerClient [-auth username:password]
url operation arguments
>        username and password is the HTTP Basic authentication info

I took a look into the source of class wich are involved with the
deployment process.
In the ServiceManagerClient in the invoke method I found this

>      SOAPHTTPConnection hc = new SOAPHTTPConnection ();
>      hc.setUserName (userName);
>      hc.setPassword (password);
>      call.setSOAPTransport (hc);

My question not really has to do with the SOAP stuff but where does the
service router controlls the
user password settings from the HTTPConnection
and where do I have to define these passwords for the basic auth of http

My idea is to set it up in the server/servet engine which I use (Resin) Am
I right?
But where... I have also read the doc but  the technical english is really
hard to understand and this
is the first time that I have to supply this mechanism in an application
for another application.


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