That is where WSDL (Web Service Description Language) comes to play. theoretically you can deploy the abstract version of the WSDL somewhere on your website, and the client who wants to use your service can build the client according to this document. 
There are some tools available in the market to do the work for you. I downloaded the IBM wstk2.4, but I hasn't got that to work with my tomcat4.0/apache soap server properly yet. However, you can just write your own proxy and client program without the tool.
good luck,
-----Original Message-----
From: P Sreenivasa Rao [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: November 29, 2001 10:46 PM
Subject: How to know the method parameters in Apache SOAP implementation.

Hi all,
It may be a basic one,but still I need some clarification.
In apache SOAP, I'll deploy one service and if some user wants to use my service .so where that user can find my service info.
In our Apache ,while deploying ,no where we are mentioning the parameters , their type and other info.
SO where can the user(client )konw these details.
Can anybody help me..
Sreenivas P

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