I think this is a classpath problem. The semicolon is missing from your
classpath setting (-cp ...). At the end you should separate the
c:\...\SoapHelloServer and the %CLASSPATH% entries.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Alex Kashko" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, October 12, 2001 12:19 PM
Subject: Soap server cannot locate target object

> I'm writing a simple HelloWorld server/client pair modifiying the code (in
trivial ways)
> I got from www.skyserver.org.
> I have two classes
> c:\ApacheGroup\Soap-2_2\samples\local\SoapHelloServer.class
> c:\ApacheGroup\Soap-2_2\samples\local\SoapHelloClient.class
> everything compiles fine with Kawa pro and I deploy the service
(urn:SoapHelloServer) OK
> using the
> Apache Admin tool and the entries match those in the screenshot on
> typing java SoapHelloClient gives the following fault
> Unable to resolve target object: SoapHelloServer
> Set up and Background
> -----------------------
> Running  Apache Soap 2_2
>  xerces.jar from Xerces 1.4.3 (I found Apache's samples won't run with
xerces 2.0 and I
> have also tried 1.2.3)
> Windows NT
> Yes  my  system classpath does include
> the script I am using is
> java -cp
> SoapHelloClient
> (classes12.zip holds  oracle jdbc drivers)
> The  client code is
> import java.net.*;
> import java.util.*;
> import org.apache.soap.*;
> import org.apache.soap.rpc.*;
> import org.apache.soap.encoding.soapenc.*;
> public class SoapHelloClient
> {
>   public static void main(String[] args)
>     {
>       String client="Alex";
>       String host = "tvldpc003.ddns.asa-ehv.ce.philips.com:";
>       String port = "8080";
>       String protocol = "http://";;
>       String directory = "/soap/servlet/rpcrouter";
>       URL theURL = null;
>       try   {theURL= new URL(protocol + host + port + directory);}
>       catch (MalformedURLException mue)  { }
>       System.out.println(theURL);
>       Call helloCall= new Call();
>       helloCall.setEncodingStyleURI(Constants.NS_URI_SOAP_ENC);
>       helloCall.setTargetObjectURI("urn:SoapHelloServer");
>       helloCall.setMethodName("getMessage");
>       Vector params = new Vector();
>       Parameter p = new
>       params.addElement(p);
>        helloCall.setParams(params);
>        try
>        {
>           Response resp = helloCall.invoke(theURL,"");
>           if ( resp.generatedFault())
>             {
>               System.err.println("There was a fault:" );
>               String s = resp.getFault().toString();
>               System.out.println(s);
>                           System.out.println("Response was");
>               System.out.println(resp.toString());
>               Parameter pr = resp.getReturnValue();
>                   System.out.println(p.getValue());
>             }
>            else
>             { Parameter pr = resp.getReturnValue();
>                   System.out.println(p.getValue());
>             }
>        }
>       catch (SOAPException e)
>         {
>           System.err.println("There was an exception");
>           System.err.println(e.getFaultCode()+"\n") ;
>           System.err.println(e.getMessage()+"\n");
>         }
>     }
> }
> The server code is
> public class SoapHelloServer
> {
> public String getMessage(String clientName)
>   {
>   String response = "Hello to " + clientName + " From the soap Hello
> //  System.out.println("Response was: " + response);
>   return response;
>   }
> }
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