I've been fooling with the SMTP binding over the past few days, Arvind.  Net
result is that it's raw, probably more of a proof of concept than anything.

For example, javadoc is scant, documentation is sometimes inaccurate, when you
send a message your thread blocks for the response from the pop3 mailbox read
(i.e. you can't do asych processing), the SOAPaction header isn't used, the
exception stack trace is useless because of the aggressively event oriented
control flow, and the source is hard to read in places (e.g. in the constructor
for SOAPSMTPConnection).  Overall the problem is that the coding style is too
personal to support easy patching.

It was pretty trivial to rewrite the SMTP/SOAP bridge (for my own use), and I
will probably end up doing the same for SOAPSMTPConnection.  If you want a copy
of the source let me know.


-----Original Message-----
From: Arvind Gudipati [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2001 11:03 AM
Subject: SMTP transport API

Hi all,

     There seems to be not enough documentation for SOAP SMTP transport API.

     Has anyone tested the SMTP transport API ?
     Are there any known issues with SMTP transport API?


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