Sandeep Heer wrote:
> Hi
> I am having problems getting my SOAP application to work. When i used
> RPC i.e. calling a specific method on my webservice using Call and all
> that stuff it worked fine.
> I have now written a simple SOAP message system that does not seem to
> work.  I get the error message below. I take it since i am sending
> messages (using envelopes etc.) i am to call messagerouter and not
> rpcrouter.  Do i need to change any settings etc apart from the URL i
> point to in my client?  Is my web service deployed the same way using
> the admin screen as it was when i used RPC?
> <SOAP-ENV:Envelope
> xmlns:SOAP-ENV="";
> xmlns:xsi="";
> xmlns:xsd="";>
> <SOAP-ENV:Body>
> <SOAP-ENV:Fault>
> <faultcode>SOAP-ENV:Server</faultcode>
> <faultstring>Exception while handling service request:
> org/apache/soap/Envelope</faultstring>
> <faultactor>/soap/servlet/messagerouter</faultactor>
> </SOAP-ENV:Fault>
> </SOAP-ENV:Body>
> </SOAP-ENV:Envelope>

This looks like the same brain-damaged problem I had with
message-style services when moving from Tomcat 3.2.3 to
Tomcat 4.01.  If you're using Tomcat 4.01, and if you 
follow the instructions for installing Apache SOAP 2.2,
then message-style servies will produce strange, seemingly-
unrelated faults, HTTP authentication won't work, etc.

The problem is apparently caused by having the SOAP 
classes in two places:
$CATALINA_HOME/lib/soap.jar, and

I "fixed" this by removing 

For more detals, search for "Tomcat 4.01 classloader" 
in the tomcat-user mailing list archives.  There are
a couple of posts there from me, along with various
replies that suggest how to fix it and 


Chris Malley
PixelZoom, Inc.             Voice: +1.303.494.8849
835 Orman Drive             EMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Boulder CO 80303-2616

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