Jeremy Levy wrote:
> Okay, so to pass a custom object I need to write my own serializer.. Is this
> correct, also where can I get information and/or a couple of simple
> examples...  Perhaps one that I can hack up? I am sure this has been asked
> hunderds of times, I checked my log of msgs and couldn't find something..
> Thanks
> jeremy

You don't necessarily have to write a serializer.
If your custom parameter is in JavaBean format, you
can use the BeanSerializer that comes with Apache SOAP.

Example here:
(Chapter 12 of O'Reilly's "Java & XML, 2nd Edition")


Chris Malley
PixelZoom, Inc.             Voice: +1.303.494.8849
835 Orman Drive             EMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Boulder CO 80303-2616

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