I tried tweaking the address2 Serializers class and created a BaseSerializer that dynamically loads up other serializers and deserializers based on the type of the object /
name of the XML element as follows .

public class BaseSerializer
public void marshall    (....)
        serHandlerType  = complexType + "Serializer" ;
        System.out.println ("BaseSerializer Loading Serializer:" + serHandlerType) ;
        IPMSerializer serHandler = (IPMSerializer)Class.forName(serHandlerType).newInstance() ;
        serHandler.serialize(inScopeEncStyle, javaType, src, context , sink ,
                                    nsStack, xjmr, ctx ) ;


  public Bean unmarshall(String inScopeEncStyle, QName elementType,
                            Node src, XMLJavaMappingRegistry xjmr, SOAPContext ctx)
         throws IllegalArgumentException
        Class deSerHandlerType = null ;
        IPMSerializer deSerHandler = null ;
        Bean retVal = null ;
            deSerHandlerType = xjmr.queryJavaType( elementType , inScopeEncStyle ) ;
            deSerHandler = (IPMSerializer)deSerHandlerType.newInstance() ;
            retVal = deSerHandler.objectify(inScopeEncStyle , elementType, src, xjmr , ctx ) ;

The actual objects serializers extend the BaseSerializer and implement the serialize() and objectify() methods
as follows

    public void serialize( String inScopeEncStyle, Class javaType,
                               Object src, Object context, Writer sink,
                               NSStack nsStack, XMLJavaMappingRegistry xjmr, SOAPContext ctx )
                throws Exception
        // what am i deserializing ..
            System.out.println ("Inside Address Serializer marshall ") ;

            SoapEncUtils.generateStructureHeader(inScopeEncStyle, javaType, context,
            sink, nsStack, xjmr);

           // rest of logic here  ......

    // objectify....
    public Bean objectify(String inScopeEncStyle, QName elementType,
                  Node src, XMLJavaMappingRegistry xjmr, SOAPContext ctx)
                    throws Exception
        samples.testbase.Address target = null ;
            Element root = (Element)src;
            Element tempEl = DOMUtils.getFirstChildElement(root);
            target =
             // rest of logic here

The XML deployment descriptor looks as follows......

<isd:service xmlns:isd="http://xml.apache.org/xml-soap/deployment"
  <isd:provider type="java"
                methods="getAddressFromName addEntry getAllListings putListings
    <isd:java class="samples.testbase.AddressBook" static="false"/>


    <isd:map encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"
             xmlns:x="urn:xml-soap-address-demo" qname="x:address"

I also tweaked Address , Phone etc to extend samples.testbase.BaseType , hoping that the same BaseSerializer would get called when either Phone / Address needed
to be marshalled / unmarshalled . Somehow Apache seems to be unable to recognize this relationship and throws the followign exception .....

Inside ABProxy.addEntry():Purdue Boilermaker
Exception in thread "main" [SOAPException: faultCode=SOAP-ENV:Client; msg=No Ser
ializer found to serialize a 'samples.testbase.Address' using encoding style 'ht
tp://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/'.; targetException=java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No Serializer found to serialize a 'samples.testbase.Address' usi
ng encoding style 'http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/'.]
        at org.apache.soap.transport.http.SOAPHTTPConnection.send(SOAPHTTPConnec
        at org.apache.soap.rpc.Call.invoke(Call.java:205)
        at samples.testbase.AddressBookProxy.addEntry(AddressBookProxy.java:132)

        at samples.testbase.Main.doit(Main.java:91)
        at samples.testbase.Main.main(Main.java:133)

Has anyone tried something like this before and got it to work ?

Thanks -

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