Title: Getting the SOAP Envelope with RPC-based MIME calls
I am just curious why you are not interested at all using the Message-oriented service.
Unless it is a requirement, I certainly like to hear about your feeling and assertion. Of
course, if I have a privilege to share them. Thanks.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2001 8:18 AM
Subject: Getting the SOAP Envelope with RPC-based MIME calls

Using Apache SOAP 2.2 we're developing a RPC-based service that has a XML Element as its parameter and return value. It works so far, but now we're trying to add binary attachments to our RPC's. I experimented with the MimeTest samples, but all the RPC samples on the server end just deal with the DataHandlers for the attachments and the SOAP Envlope wasn't accessible.

Looking in the User guide (http://xml.apache.org/soap/docs/guide/attachments.html) it says "If you are implementing a message-oriented service, or need finer-grain control over the attachments, then you can use methods on the org.apache.soap.rpc.SOAPContext class to add or retrieve MimeBodyParts." Well, I don't want to use a message-oriented service if I can help it, but I do need finer grained control. There were no RPC-based examples using the "finer grained control", though. How does one get to the SOAPContext in a RPC-based call for getting parameters and returning values? Is this possible?

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