Sanjiva Weerawarana wrote:
> This project is not dead, however, its been lying dormant
> waiting for Axis to complete. Apache Axis is the designated
> follow-on for Apache SOAP, but its running horribly behind
> schedule (like 6+ months already). I would like to gather
> up support and release a Apache SOAP 2.3 soon capturing all
> the updates that have gone in since the 2.2 release. We would
> also need to clear up the buzilla queue.

"horribly"  ;-)

Axis made a strategic decision to support the emerging JAX RPC API's.  JCP
rules prevent Axis from being labeled final until this JSR is complete.
Meanwhile, some big companies (take a wild guess which ones ;-)) are basing
their product plans on this codebase and investing heavily in it's
development.  There even has been a toolkit based on it released.

> If Axis does release a stable, migratable 1.0 within 3-6
> months then that will be the last release of Apache SOAP.

There is no reason to preclude the possibility of releases of Apache SOAP
3, 6 or even 12 months *AFTER* Axis is released.

- Sam Ruby

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