
your idea is right. You should define an interface in wsdl for your service.
Everybody who wants can download this definition and create a soap-service
with any language he wants.

Addiotionally, you can use uddi to discover the implementations and
advertise your interface. But this is a bit more complicated. If you want to
know it, just tell me.


-----Ursprungliche Nachricht-----
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 30. Januar 2002 19:14
Betreff: Implementation-independent services...

This is probably a pretty basic question but I'm not sure I should be
implementing what the specification for the project defines...

I am creating a system where different development groups are implementing
a pre-defined SOAP service.  It's possible that the service implementors
will not use Java.  There is a defined API for the SOAP service as follows:

String getPublication( PublicationInputModel pim, EntitlementsModel em)

The original architect specified that the objects should be passed in as
XML instead of objects to support a non-Java SOAP service implementations.
It seems to me that I should just publish the generated WSDL to the service
implementors and that should be sufficient for them to implement the
service in any language.  Is that the correct way to do this?  It also
appears that using XML inputs (vs. objects) hampers discovery of services
in a UDDI repository.


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