Absolutely you can.
Say your remote host is bluewhale.xxx.com and it's running Tomcat 3.3 with Apache SOAP 2.2 and it's listening at 8080 (Now I see that you are running at 443, which is HTTPS port. I have never tried that but I assume that you have configured it to listen to port 443. Test that out first).
The original URL is
I mean, http://bluewhale.xxx.com:8080/MySoapApp/foo
Say your monitoring host is walrus.xxx.com
On your walrus host, run
java -cp ... org.apache.soap.util.net.TcpTunnelGui 5555 bluewhale.xxx.com 8080
So open a browser, the following URL will first route to walrus and then to bluewhale so that you can see all the traffic between them.
I mean, http://walrus.xxx.com:5555/MySoapApp/foo
Sorry for the confusion
Again, port 443 is HTTPS which is encrypted, which is probably not what you want.
Good luck.
On Thursday, January 31, 2002, at 09:23 AM, Tim Wei wrote:
How can I run TcpTunnelGui on a remote host? If yes, how can spesify the port numbers?
I am not interested in the request appearing on the left hand pane. I want to have the response from the remote server appear on the right hand pane of the gui.
Something like this:
java org.apache.soap.util.net.TcpTunnelGui 5555 remoteHost 443
Thank you very much in advance.
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