Hello all -
Wondering if anyone has come accross this problem.

We have a service receiving an xml document as an string argument (our
provider can't pass it as an element :( )
We then write it (the xml string) to disk into a file then read the file
in as a DOM Document,  parse it and load the relevant info into a
Sounds pretty straight forward.

Whenever we test this i get the following server fault message:

Generated fault:
 Fault Code   = SOAP-ENV:Server
 Fault String = Exception from service object: loader constraints
violated when linking org/w3c/dom/Document class

 We're running: Tomcat 4.0.1
                        JDK 1.3.1_01

The Classpath on the server (windows 2000) is set correctly with
xerces.jar at the beginning followed by soap.jar with all the other
relavant jar files in tow.

Hoping someone may have run accross this before

Steve :)

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