Problems encontered and don't know if this is apache's fault or I am doing 
something wrong. 

I send the message as xml schema 1999 . 

I have a bean that contains some null values and is serialized like this 
<item xsi:type="n1:test.TestSerializable">
    <number xsi:type="xsd:int">0</number>
    <name xsi:null="true" />
    <valid xsi:null="true" />
    <testVector xsi:null="true" />
(is part of a Vector, of course) 

On serverside I get the following exception :
<faultstring>No mapping found for ':name' using encoding style 

When I send a TestSerizable with a name but with valid == null then I get the 
same exception, but for :valid . And so on. 

Does apache soap 2.2 knows to use xsi:null (even if using schema 1999) ? I 
have tried with schema 2000 and still the same . 

Or else, what is wrong inhere ? I have no idea. 

Please , need quick help, deadline comming :o(

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