I am getting stucked with some NoSuchMethodError (i guess all are basically coming from the same place i am just to blind to find)
I did install tomcat 3.3, soap 2.2, activation 1.0, javamail 1.2 and xerces 1.4.3 Opening http://localhost:8080/soap/index.html is giving me a nice welcome page as well as http://localhost:8080/soap/admin/index.html, when i enter http://localhost:8080/soap/servlet/rpcrouter i also get the expected error message "Sorry, I don't speak via HTTP GET- you have to use HTTP POST to talk to me." So far so good. When i now try to get a list of the services in the browser nothing is happening and the logfile is showing: JspFactoryImpl: Exception initializing page context - java.lang.NoSuchMethodError at org.apache.jasper.runtime.PageContextImpl._initialize(Unknown Source) at org.apache.jasper.runtime.PageContextImpl.initialize(Unknown Source) at org.apache.jasper.runtime.JspFactoryImpl.getPageContext(Unknown Source) at admin.list_1._jspService(list_1.java:43) ..... when starting a registered service i receive an error message that should not appear according to the above already running: Exception in thread "main" [SOAPException: faultCode=SOAP- ENV:Protocol; msg=Unsu pported response content type "text/html", must be: "text/xml". Response was: <head><title>Error: 500</title></head> <body> <h1>Error: 500</h1> <h2>Location: /soap/servlet/rpcrouter</h2><b>Internal Servlet Error:</b><br> <pre>java.lang.NoSuchMethodError at org.apache.soap.server.http.RPCRouterServlet.doPost(RPCRouterServlet. java:210) at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:521) ... finally when entering "java org.apache.soap.server.ServiceManagerClient http://localhost:8080/soap/servlet/rpcrouter list" in the command line i receive: F:\>java org.apache.soap.server.ServiceManagerClient http://localhost:8080/soap/ servlet/rpcrouter list Exception in thread "main" [SOAPException: faultCode=SOAP-ENV:Client; msg=Connec tion shutdown: JVM_recv in socket input stream read; targetException=java.net.So cketException: Connection shutdown: JVM_recv in socket input stream read] at org.apache.soap.transport.http.SOAPHTTPConnection.send(SOAPHTTPConnec tion.java:328) at org.apache.soap.rpc.Call.invoke(Call.java:205) at org.apache.soap.server.ServiceManagerClient.invokeMethod(ServiceManag erClient.java:129) at org.apache.soap.server.ServiceManagerClient.list(ServiceManagerClient .java:151) at org.apache.soap.server.ServiceManagerClient.main(ServiceManagerClient .java:237) now i am out of ideas where to look for the configuration errors. I would appreciate your helpful comments. regards martin gehrecke