But what code must be done in order to retrieve info from soap request?
Does Apache-SOAP APIs "knows" how to retrieve that info for me or must I
implement that code?

Tiago Fernandes Thomaz

-----Original Message-----
From: Law Kaikuo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: quarta-feira, 20 de Março de 2002 16:56
Subject: Re: [Server side implementation, HELP?]

There are 2 cases to consider:
1. The size of the XML file small: read in the XML file as one byte array,
the array as a parameter and do the SOAP call;
2. The size of the XML file is large, that means you can not send it just in
one time if you do not want to suffer network overflow. Use a loop, in each
iteration, read in a small amount of data as byte array, and do what we need
to in case one. On the server side, assemble them into a file.

  Kaikuo Luo

Tiago Fernandes Thomaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi to all SOAP Developers!

I'm new at SOAP. I want to implement a SOAP interface in order to allow
communication with some remote app clients and an EJB server. I'm facing
some problems concerning interpretation of instream XML SOAP request. The
actual point is: I have a client(Java class) that builds the CALL with the
remote service invocation encoded. I can only catch the request as a String
from the inputstream. How can I catch the XML SOAP call as a XML and then
how can I retrieve info from the request, namely, methodName and input
Hope to read some answers to my needs.
Thank you in advance.

Tiago Fernandes Thomaz

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