I'm having a hell of a time trying to get a SOAP service running on an Orion app server.

I understand that this error can be caused by a classpath problem.  

I put all of my remote classes in a jar and put them in orion/lib which should pick them up for all applications on orion to use.  I also put them in my classpath.  None of this works.

I'm trying to add a web service onto an existing J2EE app which could be part of my problem.

here is the deployment descriptor:

<isd:service xmlns:isd="http://xml.apache.org/xml-soap/deployment" id="urn:CanDEDataMgr">

 <isd:provider type="java" scope="Request" methods="isUserValid">

 <isd:java class="com.lilly.javaatg.catd.servlet.CanDEDataLoad.DataLoaderImpl" static="false"/>  




when I deploy I deploy into http://localhost:8088/catd/servlet/rpcrouter

here is the call in the test:

URL url = new URL("http://localhost:8088/catd/servlet/rpcrouter");

   // Build the call.

   Call call = new Call ();

   call.setTargetObjectURI ("urn:CanDEDataMgr");

   call.setMethodName ("isUserValid");

   Vector params = new Vector ();

   params.addElement (new Parameter("userID", String.class, userID, Constants.NS_URI_SOAP_ENC));

   params.addElement (new Parameter("password", String.class, password, Constants.NS_URI_SOAP_ENC));

   call.setParams (params);

I've tried to set up TcpTunnelGUI to see any problem but I can not get the parameters straight.  I would think that I would set it up like this

java org.apache.soap.util.net.TcpTunnelGUI 8080 localhost/catd 8088

listen to port 8080 and forward to the orion listening on 8088.  I change my test to go to 8080 rather than 8088.

What am I doing wrong here?

Jonathan Bricker
Lilly Research Labs
Java ATG

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