Should work fine. Make sure you're using or
higher of the Oracle database since 8.1.6 had a
database JVM issue with System.arrayCopy() of two-dimensional
arrays of int's which caused crashes using Xerces.

Does the client program work correctly and compile correctly
*outside* the database?

Steve Muench - Developer, Product Mgr, Evangelist, Author
Simplify J2EE and EJB Development with BC4J
Building Oracle XML Apps,
----- Original Message -----
From: "Maik Kuendig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2002 8:43 AM
Subject: SOAP-Client in Oracle DB

| Hello
| Did someone now if I can load a SOAP-Client into an Oracle DataBase.
| Because I can have JavaStoredProcedures in the DataBase. I hava already
| try to load:
| soap.jar
| xerces.jar
| mail.jar
| activation.jar
| in to the DataBase, but if I try to compile a SOAP-Client Programm, i
| got the error:
| > Class Call not found
| I now there is a SOAP for iAS9i but i want the client i the DataBase.
| Can someone help me how to load a client in the DataBase?
| Thanks and best regards
| Maik Kündig

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