Hello, I was trying to use the TcpTunnelGui tool like the following on my local machine:
c:\>java org.apache.soap.util.net.TcpTunnelGui 8888 ren.cs.odu.edu 8989 where 8888 is listenport on my local machine, ren.cs.odu.edu is tunnelhost (a UNIX machine), and 8989 is tunnelport. My soap service is running on ren.cs.odu.edu:8989 hosted by tomcat. The GUI tool received and showed the request message from the soap client, I see it in the first window and it looks fine, but in the second window it showed the tomcat exception messages and it seemed the soap request didn't get to the soap service. My question is don't we need to specify the router like http://ren.cs.odu.edu:8989/soap/servlet/rpcrouter or http://ren.cs.odu.edu:8989/soap/servlet/messagerouter? How will TcpTunnelGui konw where to find the soap router and services if we don't provide this detail. Please give me some help. Thanks alot! Rufeng