I checked out the Apache Bug List and found this:

4.3  Help! My client sees error message: "SOAP-ENV:Server.BadTargetObjectURI"
The most likely cause of this problem is a classpath error: The class file that implements your service is not in the classpath of
the server.

My inclination goes with the solution from the buglist.

I have'nt heard about rectifying a BadTargetObjectURI with shortening the class name
Out of curiosity can you tell us the full  name of your Class??

anyone else..?
Martin Gainty

>I hope this helps someone since I haven't seen this kind of solution in any
>other BadTargetObjectURI problem.
>I had two classes in the same direcory, each had one simple method (for
>testing purposes), each of them deployed in the same manner BUT ONLY ONE
>WORKED! Calling method from the other class returned BadTarget...
>The problem was - the name of the class that didn't work was too long! 23
>characters (don't ask why :-)).
>So I shortened it up a bit (to 19 chars) and it all worked fine.
>Now everything works as it's supposed, so - keep your class names short.

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