On Sat, 15 Jun 2002 23:19:44 -0400, in soap you wrote:

>Martin Gainty wrote:
>> Everyone who wants to sell their wares please dont waste my time
>> At the risk  of soundling like a broken record
>> nobody has addressed the WSML for Unix..
>> Is there anyobody who can Focus on the problem ???
>  WSML is for .NET, WSDD is for axis. What is the problem? Both systems 
>can use a wsdl to create the files they need for their system.

One slight correction, WSML is for the MS COM Toolkit, not .NET.

But, the point is, its a tool specific file, its purely an
implementation detail, It is ONLY required when using the MSTK, if
you're not using the MSTK, you DONT NEED a WSML file.


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