I am no Tomcat expert, but here are some things I think I know.

1. Note that if you deploy the webapp by copying the war file to the
webapps directory, you must delete its exploded directory in order for a
new war file to take its place.  For this reason, it may be better to
install a webapp on Tomcat by exploding (jar -x...) it directly, rather
than dropping the war file in place.  See "Deployment with Tomcat 4" at

2. If you define a Context for the SOAP webapp in server.xml, you can
specify that it is reloadable like this

        <Context path="/examples" docBase="examples" debug="0"

   I *think* this means it will check for changes and re-load classes
automatically, but I may be wrong.

3. You can use the Tomcat manager app to reload a webapp on demand.  See

4. Tomcat also provides ant tasks to deploy, reload, undeploy, etc., if
you prefer ant.  I'm not sure where those docs are.

Scott Nichol

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dave Searle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, November 24, 2002 1:21 PM
Subject: Cached classes?

> Hi Soapers,
> I have a small problem.
> I have a web service that when invoked gives me the correct return
> value. When I change the code to this webservice (the class file) and
> redeploy it to the same location and then invoke it again, I get the
> previous return value, even though I know it should be different. This
> is only corrected when and I stop and restart tomcat.
> Is there anyway to redeloy a class file without having to start/stop
> tomcat?
> Cheers
> Dave
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