Hello, studying the SOAP-Messaging samples from the the book 'Java and SOAP' (Robert Englander, O'Reilly) and from apache-soap I'm confused about the difference between SOAP-RPC and SOAP-Messaging.
There are SOAP-Messaging samples, where services are implemented with the signiture public void serviceMethod( Envelope env, SOAPContext reqCtx, SOAPContext resCtx ) Services of this kind are usually sent to client messages containing Envlopes to an URL like http//host:pppp/soap/servlet/messagerouter. On the other side there are SOAP-Messaging-service samples not distinguishable from SOAP-RPC-style services . Only the service-tag in the deployment-descriptor contains the type="message"-attribute. Moreover this services are invoked by a Call in a SOAP-RPC like manner, with a URL like http://host:pppp/soap/servlet/rpcrouter. Consequently I do not really understand the difference between SOAP-RPC and SOAP-Messaging. Regards Werner mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> For additional commands, e-mail: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>