The service/method to execute is determined by the name of the 
element that is the first child of the SOAP Body element.  The 
service corresponds to the namespace of this element.  In your 
deployment descriptor, you specify the id as urn:mmserver, which is 
the namespace that identifies your service.  Therefore, your request 
should have an element more like

<mm7:SubmitReq  xmlns:mm7="urn:mmserver">

On 16 Jan 2003 at 14:24, Jesus M. Salvo Jr. wrote:

> Using Tomcat 4.1 + Soap 2.3.1
> I know this is in the FAQ ... but I am still confused.
> You will see from below that SOAP server is complaining that the service 
> "xyz" is unknown .... but "xyz" is an XML namespace!!
> * Why would it think that the namespace in the SOAP message that I sent 
> is the service?
> * As a general question, how does Apache SOAP identify the message 
> service being requested anyway?
> * How can u turn on debugging or versbose information on Tomcat 4.1 so 
> that I can see that Apache-SOAP is doing?
> Note that I have added jaxp-api.jar, dom.jar, sax.jar, xercesImpl.jar,  
> into $TOMCAT_HOME/common/lib/
> Here are the steps that I made:
> 1) I add a JAR called mm7.jar and placed it in 
> webapps/soap/WEB-INF/lib/. This JAR contains the class mentioned on step 
> [2] when deploying the SOAP service.
> 2) I have deployed a SOAP messaging service with the following 
> deployment descriptor:
> <isd:service xmlns:isd=""; 
> id="urn:mmserver" type="message">
>         <isd:provider type="java" scope="Application" methods="SubmitReq">
>             <isd:java class="com.mig.mms.mm7.V5_4_0.MMServerReceiverImpl"/>
>         </isd:provider>
> <isd:faultListener>org.apache.soap.server.DOMFaultListener</isd:faultListener>
> </isd:service>
> Ran:
> java org.apache.soap.server.ServiceManagerClient 
> deploy mm7.xml
> No errors reported ... and a list of the services show:
> Deployed Services:
>         urn:mmserver
> 3) From a client, I send the following to 
> <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
> <SOAP-ENV:Envelope 
> xmlns:SOAP-ENV=""; 
> xmlns:xsi=""; 
> xmlns:xsd="";>
> <SOAP-ENV:Header>
>     <mm7:TransactionID 
> </SOAP-ENV:Header>
> <SOAP-ENV:Body>
>     <mm7:SubmitReq 
>     <MM7Version>5.4.0</MM7Version>
>     <SenderIdentification>
>         <VASPID>TestAccount</VASPID>
>         <VASID>TestPass</VASID>
>         <SenderAddress>+6161616161</SenderAddress>
>     </SenderIdentification>
>     <Recipients/>
>     <ServiceCode>er2sdf</ServiceCode>
>     <MessageClass>Informational</MessageClass>
>     <TimeStamp>2003-01-16T13:17:41+10:00</TimeStamp>
>     <EarliestDeliveryTime>2003-01-16T13:17:41+10:00</EarliestDeliveryTime>
>     <ExpiryDate>2003-01-16T13:17:41+10:00</ExpiryDate>
>     <DeliveryReport>false</DeliveryReport>
>     <Priority>Normal</Priority>
>     <DistributionIndicator>false</DistributionIndicator>
>     </mm7:SubmitReq>
> </SOAP-ENV:Body>
> </SOAP-ENV:Envelope>
> 4) Here is the response that I get:
> HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
> Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=CB8DCEFB04F423852D2B3281379A689D; Path=/soap
> Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
> Content-Length: 531
> Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2003 02:14:54 GMT
> Server: Apache Coyote/1.0
> Connection: close
> <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
> <SOAP-ENV:Envelope 
> xmlns:SOAP-ENV=""; 
> xmlns:xsi=""; 
> xmlns:xsd="";>
> <SOAP-ENV:Body>
>     <SOAP-ENV:Fault>
>         <faultcode>SOAP-ENV:Server</faultcode>
>         <faultstring>service 
> unknown</faultstring>
>         <faultactor>/soap/servlet/messagerouter</faultactor>
>     </SOAP-ENV:Fault>
> </SOAP-ENV:Body>
> </SOAP-ENV:Envelope>
> --
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Scott Nichol

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