I don't know the particulars of the RFCs you cite.  The serialization 
of payloads containing attachments is done by code from JavaMail.  
Perhaps someone has questioned Sun on this point before...you might 
want to check their site.

On 20 Jan 2003 at 12:41, Jesus M. Salvo Jr. wrote:

> RFC 2387 ( Section 3.4 ) says that the start parameter of a 
> multipart/related is msg-id based on RFC 822
> RFC 822 on the other hand says that msg-id's syntax  is based on addr-spec:
> Section 4.1:
> msg-id = "<" addr-spec ">" ; Unique message id
> Section 6:
> addr-spec = local-part "@" domain ; global address
> My question therefore is:
> Apache-SOAP, when specifying the start parameter of the 
> multipart-related, does not not strictly follow the syntax for addr-spec 
> ( e.g.: No "@" domain ).
> Is this important / relevant? If not ... why did RFC 822 says that 
> addr-spec ( and therefore msg-id and start parameter for 
> multipart/related ) should have local-part@domain?
> The example below shows that the start parameter has the value 
> 4035210.1042701018008.apache-soap.johnp4.
> Here is the sample taken from a sniffer:
> POST /soap/servlet/messagerouter HTTP/1.0
> Host:
> Content-Type: multipart/related; 
> boundary="----=_Part_1_64111.1042701017867"; type="text/xml"; 
> start="4035210.1042701018008.apache-soap.johnp4"
> Content-Length: 1754
> SOAPAction: ""
> ------=_Part_1_64111.1042701017867
> Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
> Content-ID: <4035210.1042701018008.apache-soap.johnp4>
> Content-Length: 1170
> .... snip ....
> --
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Scott Nichol

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