After calling setTargetObjectURI (""), I had a new error complaining about a null SOAPAction.

So I set soapAction in the invoke to use ""


I also imported the server's certificate into my cacerts just in case SSL was an issue.


Now, I get this error. AFAICT, I'm using the right types. Any help at all would be much appreciated. New code is at the bottom.


Thanks in advance.



fault:[Attributes={}] [faultCode=SOAP-ENV:Server] [faultString=WSDLReader: None of the matching operations for soapAction could successfully load the incoming request. Potential typemapper problem] [faultActorURI=null] [DetailEntries=

[(0)=<mserror:errorInfo xmlns:mserror=""><mserror:returnCode>-2147024809</mserror:returnCode><mserror:callStack><mserror:callElement><mserror:component>WSDLReader</mserror:component><mserror:description>None of the matching operations for soapAction could successfully load the incoming request. Potential typemapper problem</mserror:description><mserror:returnCode>-2147024809</mserror:returnCode></mserror:callElement></mserror:callStack></mserror:errorInfo>]

] [FaultEntries=]







            // These two lines are to enable SSL, which ClearStar REQUIRES.

            System.setProperty("java.protocol.handler.pkgs", "");



            Call call = new Call();


            call.setTargetObjectURI ("");

            call.setMethodName ("GetNewOrders");






            Vector params = new Vector ();


            URL url = new URL (WSDLloc);

            //URL url = new URL("");

            System.out.println("BusID:" + getBOID());

            System.out.println("sourceID:" + getSourceID());

            System.out.println("loginname:" + getLoginName());

            System.out.println("password:" + getPassword());


            params.addElement (new Parameter("lBOID", Integer.class, getBOID(), null));

            params.addElement (new Parameter("iSourceID",  Short.class, getSourceID(), null));

            params.addElement (new Parameter("sLoginName", String.class, getLoginName(), null));

            params.addElement (new Parameter("sPassword", String.class, getPassword(), null));

            call.setParams (params);


            System.out.println("About to invoke.");

            String actionURI = "";

            Response resp = call.invoke (url, actionURI );


            if (resp.generatedFault())


                Fault fault = resp.getFault();

                System.out.println("fault:" + fault);

                throw new Exception(fault.getFaultString());




                Parameter p = resp.getReturnValue();

                xmlReturned = "" + p.getValue();



                        catch (Exception e)




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