The configure method of the ConfigurableService interface is only 
called immediately after the constructor.  It is *not* called each 
time a service method is called.  Therefore, you could just 
instantiate the listener in the configure method instead of the 
constructor, and use an application or servlet or deployment 
descriptor parameter rather than a System property.

On 6 Feb 2003 at 10:43, Jesus M. Salvo Jr. wrote:

> Just realised that it would have been good that such parameters are 
> accessible via the service's constructor .. or a init() method just like 
> in servlets ... at least in the case of what I am doing,  that is ... 
> the SOAP service will need to pass on a Java object that represents the 
> SOAP message into a "listener" class.
> Currently, what I do is instantiate this "listener" class within the 
> SOAP service's constructor by checking for a system property. Therefore, 
> this checking is only called once, and is placed in an instance variable.
> If I move this checking from the constructor to the SOAP service 
> method(s), and the instance variable is not null  ... then each of the 
> service methods would need have to have a synchronized block to a) check 
> if there is a listener, b) if no listener, get the class to instantiate 
> from the parameters <isd:option>, c) create the instance and place it in 
> the instance variable. Of course, once created, only [a] will need to be 
> checked .. but you still have the overhead of a synchronized block 
> within the service method.
> Oh well
> Scott Nichol wrote:
> >Yes, I am referring to <isd:option>.  The schema is at 
> >*checkout*/xml-
> >soap/java/docs/schema/dd.xsd?rev=HEAD&content-type=text/plain
> >
> >On 3 Feb 2003 at 11:26, Jesus M. Salvo Jr. wrote:
> >
> >  
> >

Scott Nichol

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