Marty -

I can't say this for Weblogic, but it works for Tomcat running on RedHat Linux. Configuring SSL is
server specific, but for more or less, it needs to create keystore files and certificates for servers. For testing purpose,
you don't need to buy or even try Verisign SSL certifiactes, instead, you can create "self-signed" certificates.
Please refer to the following link, it may do some help.


Marty Haught wrote:
Did you configure both SOAP client and server in order to 
generate and 
configure certificates?
After you copy jsse.jar, jnet.jar, and jcert.jar into your Weblogic 
server's classpath, you need to 
generate and configure keys and certificates.  I know on 
Linux you can 
use keytool  utility to achieve

Hi Daniel,

I did not do anything with configuring certificates.  Is the process for
generating and configuring the certificates the same on Weblogic as it
would be on Tomcat?  How would it be different, if anyone knows?

Do you then suspect that this is the issue?  Is anyone else out there
using Apache SOAP on Weblogic 6.1 with SSL?

Marty Haught 

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