> >trip. Packet sizes were on the order of 1000 bytes. Over a 100 Mbps 
> >LAN, that's about 0.1 ms transport time, which is very small compared 
> >to the overall round trip times that were more like 90 ms. This may 
> >point out a difference in our tests: mine were relatively processing 
> >intensive, while yours may be more network intensive.
> The transmission occurs over a standard LAN conenction however it seems to to be in 
> the order of 20 seconds rather than ms.

Transmission takes 20 seconds?  By "transmission", you do mean 
transport time, not round trip time including processing, right?  
Wow, you must be pushing a lot of bytes.  Have you looked at this 
with Network Monitor (win2k) or tcpdump (UNIX)?

> >however, I seem to recall that copies sold under development license 
> >were restricted in the number of worker threads. I don't know 
> >whether 4 is similar (or whether you are even using a development 
> >license).
> This is correct but we are using a non-development license on a test server.
> We are sending large packets over the network, they comprise of a number of  self 
> defined objects.
> You mentioned pools previously  - were you able to control these in jrun 3?

Yep.  Everything was in .properties files.  Each server had its own, 
which included things like 


Scott Nichol

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