How about returning a JavaBean that has the metadata, but also has a 
property that is a DataHandler?  In other words, if your current call 
looks like

void PutFile(MetaDataBean metaData, DataHandler data)

you could

public class FileBundle extends MetaDataBean {
        private DataHandler data;
        public DataHandler getData() {return data;}
        public void setData(DataHandler data) { = data;}

FileBundle GetFile(String path)

On 26 Jun 2003 at 12:06, Wei Li wrote:

> Hi,
> We are using apache soap attachment to upload and download data using WebSphere.
> We can send a JavaBean along with a DataHandler to the server to do upload, the Bean 
> can have all the meta data needed for handling this DataHandler. The apache 
> BeanSerializer can handle this.
> The question is when we do download, we can get DataHandler back, but how can we 
> send the related meta data back at the same time without having to write a new 
> serializer? (if we have to write a new one, how can we handle the DataHandler like 
> what the BeanSerializer already did?)
> Thanks,
> -- wei

Scott Nichol

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